Wednesday, November 28, 2007

New Classes, Greenback and Honey Rock Herb Farm

Allrighty then, let us do more yoga in 2008! I will be teaching 2 , new to yoga, classes at a wonderful site in Louisville Tn. , Honey Rock Organic Herb Farm. At this location, i will have a morning class, ( time still being pondered) and an evening class. Most likely, the morning class will be tuesday, and then a thursday evening class. We will be using props here too, beginning slow and easy. Learning alignment, learning how to slow down our internal hectic pace and just exploring the fundamentals of a yoga practice. All with a soft heart, acceptance of where we are at that moment and a smile within ( hopefully outward as well!).

Also, i will be adding a new class at the Yogaraj in Greenback on wednesday night. PLEASE , stay tuned for more details.

Step onto your mat and you will be nurturing your *wellness within*

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Greatest Asana After a Feast

Supta Baddha Konasana and Thanksgiving!

Here is this wonderful time of the year where we allow the nurturing of family, food and festivities to fill our every level. Hopefully really taking in the grace and deepest thanks for all we have , right now.
When you have had your fill , this is one of my most favorite belly opening restorative asanas. You don't need bolsters or even the blankets we use at Yogaraj...grab some quilts, some pillows ,a few quite moments and you will find the space in the pelvis and belly release and open. Keep the heart open and allow reclined cobblers pose to awaken your sincere thanks for the most dearest loves in your day and nights.
Peace to all, Diane

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Things are Happening

View from YOGARAJ

YOGARAJ had a birthday!
We have been the luckiest yogis, to have had a year in this beautiful 'garaj'.
With 2008 quickly eyeing us, I plan on a adding one or even two new classes.
I would love to share Yoga with many others, and I know they are out there!
More Yoga, more wellness within.
A HUGE thank you to Janet, for the generous gift of her space on her lovely hill in the country.
Here is to another year of practice.
Namaste', Diane

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Omega 'BEING YOGA' Conference

I just returned from Fort Lauderdale after attending a long weekend of Yoga immersion.
Being Yoga, the title of the event , brings up the question, how do we LIVE our yoga off the mat? How do we live with the heart, move with awareness, watch our intentions in everything we do, remain open to change, breath deeply, watch our words that exit the mouth , notice our choices , relate to our fellow spirits on this planet.
You, by attending Yoga classes every week, are taking the first step. The more you practice, the more Yoga becomes a lifestyle. You begin to feel the effects of a certain asana off the mat. You feel the cooling, the heating , the calming ,the discipline, the stamina, the openess, the love, the self.
We will begin to delve into why we are finding the practice of yoga fullfilling . What do we feel? Can we hold back in a pose so the ego does not take over? Can we slow down enough TO feel .
Let's take our yoga practice deeper. I mean, just alittle at a time. You cannot feed a baby a porkchop, you have to start her out with milk.

For the new year, I would love to work with more meditation, more breath awareness, looking into FEELING the asana...but continue being disciplined in the alignment, until it becomes second nature.
Take out your mat, step onto it with reverence, and practice something you can remember, 10 minutes...sit or lay quietly afterwards, and just notice how you feel afterwards.

YOGARAJ has now celebrated its first year. My most deepest thanks to all students that have come to class in heat and in cold. You have all taught me and continue to teach me to serve you in the most nuturing way. How can we all BE YOGA?
Peace to all. Diane